12 12 2011

I need to do the things. ALL OF THEM.

Ahem. Anyways. What I mean, is that I need to do things over the break so that I don’t go crazy from boredom. So, like always, I am making a list! 

1) Finish the 3rd A Song of Fire and Ice book, maybe even the 4th. 

2) Catch up in Doctor Who! 

3) Start watching either Firefly or Sherlock or BOTH. 

4) Work. 

5) Crafts for everyone! (once cut out and keep’s website starts running again, that is…) 

6) Hang out with people from college while not at college! Crazy, I know. 

7) Practice flute for a duet with Sara! 

8) Obtain more socks. 

9) Get rid of nail-biting habit! 

10) Haircut/trim. So. Needed. 

11) Peppermint hot chocolate/mocha at Starbucks! Take full advantage of this! 

12) Spend time with family, of course. 

I might add on to this– sorry it’s not terribly interesting for most of you, but I needed to just get it out of my mind and onto…the internet. 

Have to run! Farewell! 

supersecretlyawesome xx



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